What Anurag Kashyap did to Payal Ghosh is a 'common practice' in Bollywood, it's 'full of sexual predators', alleges Kangana Ranaut

What Anurag Kashyap did to Payal Ghosh is a ‘common practice’ in Bollywood, it’s ‘full of sexual predators’, alleges Kangana Ranaut

New Delhi: Kangana Ranaut, who on Saturday known as for Anurag Kashyap’s arrest after actress Payal Ghosh accused the filmmaker of sexual assault, has right this moment lashed out at Bollywood in a sequence of tweets. 

She started by hitting out at Anurag Kashyap and wrote, “Anurag is very much capable of doing what Payal Ghosh suggesting, he cheated on all his partners, self admittedly has never been monogamous. Phantom was full of womanisers many #MeToo accused, I supported those victims before also and liberals started smear campaigns against me.”

“As far as I know Anurag self admittedly has never been monogamous even when he was married to various people, what Anurag did to Payal is a common practice in Bullywood, treating struggling outsider girls like sex workers comes naturally to them,” the actress added.

Kangana additional mentioned that ‘Bullywood’ (Bollywood) is “full of sexual predators who have fake and dummy marriages” and claimed, “I settled my scores my way and I don’t need #MeToo but most girls do.”

Meanwhile, in a separate tweet, Kangana alleged: “What Payal Ghosh says many big heroes have done this to me also.” 

Kangana additionally claimed that #MeToo has been a “big failure” in Bollywood. She added that Payal Ghosh can be “humiliated and silenced”.

Payal Ghosh accused Anurag Kashyap of sexual harassment on social media. She took to Twitter to open up towards Anurag Kashyap and in addition tagged Prime Minister Narendra Modi in her tweet, requesting him to take motion towards the filmmaker. 

She wrote, “Anurag Kashyap has forced himself on me and extremely badly. PMO India, Narendra Modi, kindly take action and let the country see the demon behind this creative guy. I am aware that it can harm me and my security is at risk. Pls help.”

However, Anurag Kashyap denied the allegations levelled towards him, and termed them “baseless”.

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